This podcast features an excerpt from Ecstasy Is Necessary by Barbara Carrellas
Pleasure Mechanic Charlotte writes:
We all crave ecstasy, whether or not we acknowledge it or name it that way. We each crave peak high experiences in life, and frankly I believe feel a bit bland if we don’t experience these moments in life. I believe when we honor the fact that we do indeed crave and want peak, awesome, ecstatic moments we can be more mindful about intentionally crafting them for ourselves and those around us.
Each one of us finds our ecstasy in different ways, from different sources, and we each have to be explorers to figure out what makes us feel awesome. And then it is up to us to try and create more of those experiences. If we don’t, we often seek out “faux ecstasies” as Barbara calls them, these toxic mimics that don’t truly satisfy our desires for these highs whether that is overeating, over using drugs or whatever your particular vice may be.
Giving yourself permission to enjoy what makes you really happy, feel pleasure or even ecstasy is an essential skill to develop for a fulfilling life. And we know from watching hundreds of people make changes in their life, and now science is supporting this idea that the more you feel pleasure, the easier it is to feel, the quicker and bigger the response is in your body. So slowly, choice by choice allowing yourself to feel more pleasure in life will allow you to feel more ecstasy in bed. Guaranteed.
Now, what makes you feel ecstatic? For me right now in my life it’s moving my body outside in the woods, hills or by rivers, giving and receiving erotic massage, eating gorgeous (rich, buttery!) food with people I love, having dance parties, stretching, cuddling, dancing and laughing with my daughter and wife. And I make time for these kinds of activities, in fact my life is filled mostly with these activities and I eliminate as much other stuff as possible so I make sure I have time for these ecstatic life pleasures. It makes me enjoy my life. And I’m certain my orgasms are all the stronger for it!
What lights you up, what makes you feel like you are living the most awesome life. If you are not sure, explore, figure it out and then do more of it, and watch your orgasms come quicker and harder. And then tell us about it.
And of course if you want support in having your orgasms be stronger and more ecstatic, be sure to check out our Foreplay Mastery Online Course, it gives you the tools to explore sexual ecstasy with your partner through experiences like erotic massage and extended foreplay.
The post Ecstasy Is Necessary appeared first on Pleasure Mechanics.