Rimming is a slang term for analingus (also spelled anilingus) The term analingus was first used by sexologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing in 1886, but the act has surely been practiced for as long as humans have been walking this earth!
While often considered an extreme sex act, rimming is really just an extension of oral sex. Rather than just stimulating the genitals, rimming includes the perineum and anal area. Rimming can be external only or also include penetrating the anus with the tongue.
Rimming is often thought of as “dirty” due to the taboo of oral-anal contact. While there are certainly hygiene and safety concerns to be aware of (which we will cover in this article) there is nothing inherently “dirty” about this sex act. Some people eroticize the taboo – if it adds to the erotic thrill for you then you can play with the idea of this act being emotionally and physically edgy. Or, you can enjoy rimming without any shame or hesitation. You choose the emotional approach that feels right to you!
Why Is Rimming Pleasurable?
The anal area contains dense concentrations of nerve endings that are directly wired into the sexual system. This is true for both men and women. Stimulation of the external anal area creates highly arousing sensations for most people. You can use fingers or toys to stimulate the anal area, or, in the case of rimming, your mouth and tongue. Rimming creates the warm and wet sensations of oral stimulation which many people find very arousing, as well as the emotional thrills of the intense intimacy of the act.
Rimming And Other Sex Acts
Rimming can be enjoyed on it’s own but is usually most arousing when done in combination with other sex acts. The combinations are endless but here are a few of the most popular rimming combos:
- Rimming + Oral Sex: Start with oral and then move back to rimming. Unless you are using a barrier method, never go from rimming to genital stimulation.
- Rimming + Manual Stimulation: While you are rimming your partner you can use one or both hands to stimulate the genitals with fingering or handjob techniques (master these skills with our Foreplay Mastery Course) The combination of hands and mouth can stimulate the entire sexual system at once and create unforgettable symphonies of pleasure. One amusing name for this combination is “The Rusty Trombone” which refers to rimming from the back while reaching around and giving a handjob. What would the equivalent on a female be called ? Imagine someone rimming while reaching around and stimulating her clitoris with exquisite fingering techniques. I think we’ll coin it The French Horn! Hope that name sticks!
Rimming Hygiene and Safety
Like all sex acts, rimming has risk that can be reduced through hygiene and safer sex practices.
The primary risks of rimming are parasites transmitted through contact with feces and sexually transmitted infections. These infections include bacterial diseases and viral diseases including HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections.
To minimize the risks of rimming, follow these guidelines:
- Wash the area well just before engaging in rimming. Use soap and water to wash the entire anal area thoroughly.
- If you are going to include internal rimming, use an enema bulb with plain warm water (never use soap, vinegar or any other substance in the rectum!) to flush out the area until the water comes out clean.
- For added safety, use a barrier between the mouth and the anus. A dental dam, latex condom cut up the side to make a flat surface, or even saran wrap can be used to minimize microbial exchange.
- Never perform rimming when there are sores or cuts present on either the mouth of the giver or the anus of the receiver.
- Do not move from the anus to the genitals. If you want to include both the genitals and anal area in a sex session, start with the genitals and then move back to the anal area to finish off. You can continue to stimulate the genitals with a clean hand.
Rimming is just one way to unlock the pleasures of the anal area. If you are curious about how to touch the anal area for maximum pleasure (with or without penetration!) check out our Anal Sex Mastery Course (for stimulating women) and the Prostate Massage Mastery Course (for stimulating men) Whether or not you choose to include rimming, using your hands to stimulate the anal area can add huge amounts of arousal to your sex life.
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