How To Strip Dance – For Yourself!
Charlotte on Sheila Kelley’s S Factor Strip Dance Practice:
What I love about Sheila Kelley’s work is that she has developed a safe, pleasurable practice that guides women in cultivating and activating feeling sexy through teaching women how to strip and pole dance.
During her in-person stripping classes you do movements in a room with other women. There are no mirrors and the room is flooded with candlelight. She follows the idea that you practice being in your erotic body for yourself first and then later choose to share your sexiness with your lover or not.
This is a philosophy that here at the Pleasure Mechanics we wholeheartedly believe in. I have one of her teaching videos, and Chris and I went to a class in LA, and I really like her teaching. In a field where there are a lot of fakers, I consider what I know of her work the real deal.
In our culture we aren’t taught how to feel sexy or sensual in our bodies. We are bombarded with how to look sexy through the marketing of a million products but how to feel sexy is often confusing for women as if you aren’t feeling it, feeling sexy can feel unreachable sometimes. I believe feeling sexy has to come from feeling good in our body, no matter what size we are, no matter what we look like. And that we can cultivate practices and ways of being in the world so we know how to feel sexy when we want to. I find dance and movement to be an essential tool in this, and Sheila is teaching a particular path.
I love this phrase about getting into a state where you can follow your own “physical and sensual intuition”, this is important I think. It is a state that I love to be in. I have developed ease at getting into this state by giving massage and dancing for thousands of hours in my lifetime. It is a state where you learn to pay attention to your body’s intuition, your inner cues of how to move next and then follow that until you get your next direction from your body’s intuition. Cultivating this inner knowing is an important part of feeling sexy. Dancing and moving is a wonderful, fun, safe pathway to activating this body intuition and cultivating the state of feeling sexy privately.
I believe so much of women’s power is stored in our hips. When we move the hips we unlock chronic tension so more blood and energy flow can reach this magical, mysterious part of our body. The waking up of this area can make us feel more alive, feel more sexual pleasure and make our orgasms feel stronger and better.
There are a couple of challenges for you this week depending on your level of interest.
One option is to put a song on in the privacy of your own home and circle your hips and see how it feels in your body.
Hip circles are essential for unlocking tension in your hips and is a wonderful easy, accessible practice for all of us women to do.
Do hip circles for the entire song, or do that movement until your body tells you it wants to do another move. Follow that. Just experiment with one song, then do more if you feel like it. This is one step towards beginning to listen to your physical and sensual intuition.
Another option is to watch the videos below of everyday women who practice S Factor dancing and stripping with a pole and see how graceful, beautiful and powerful it can look and feel.
S Factor has retreats and classes in a few cities in the States. If you are brave and have the resources I recommend going and trying them. Or try getting one of their videos. Either way I hope you explore dancing as a fun, safe way to connect to your body’s intuition and your own sexiness.
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