This podcast features an excerpt from The Soul of Sex by Thomas Moore.
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What if when men feel sad and inadequate about their penis size and crave a bigger, harder cock that perhaps what you really want is all the qualities you believe a larger penis will bring you. That in truth what you really want is what the penis symbolizes to you, which in reality you can actually have free access to without changing your penis size.
The key here is to understand what does the idea of having a bigger penis symbolize to you, what would it mean to you? What are you craving more of, what do you desire? What is it you want to create in your life, what is it that makes you feel alive, how do you want to become an extraordinary lover?
What would a larger penis mean to you? Is it more masculinity, a greater ability to please women sexually, being sexually virile, experiencing more power, more vitality, more abundance and more attractiveness? What would happen if as a man you allowed yourself to embody and cultivate these qualities as you are inspired to, regardless of the size of your penis. Because the truth is all of those qualities have been symbolized by a large penis throughout time and in many cultures, but the qualities are in fact separate from the size.
In our culture if men are feeling sexually insecure and not sure that they are doing a good job pleasing women sexually that our culture tells us that the solution is to have a bigger penis. However to please women powerfully you do not need a bigger penis, that is a myth. What you may need instead is the qualities of an idealized man, more skill, more sensitivity, more awareness, more passion and more presence. These qualities are available to you to grow, cultivate and embody whatever size penis you have. These are equal opportunity sexual skills available to men of all penis size because they are qualities entirely separate from penis size.
Ridding yourself of the myth that to have a better sexual life you need a bigger penis is essential to your sexual happiness. As getting rid of any iota of shame and embarrassment you have about your penis size frees up that energy to become a better lover and show up more fully in bed for your lover’s pleasure, which could really make a difference in your world now and over your lifetime.
My challenge to you this week is to think about how you relate to penis size, really think about what having a big penis symbolizes to you and what is one action you could take to cultivate those qualities in your life now regardless of your size.
And if you are someone who spends anytime worrying about your size, I really invite you to give this question of what would having a big penis mean to you a real ponder. Freeing yourself of this myth and concern can make a huge change in how you and your lovers experience your sexuality.
Enjoy all of The Soul of Sex by Thomas Moore as an audiobook for FREE. Grab your free copy here!
The post Why Penis Size Matters appeared first on Pleasure Mechanics.