Here at Pleasure Mechanics, our goal is to guide you in creating your most fulfilling sex life. We want you to feel happy, free and at peace in your skin. We want you to have loving, intimate relationships with the people you love. We want you to experience the incredible joy of arousal and climax.
You are part of this community because you want those things too, right?
But what if you didn’t find anyone sexually attractive? What if you had NO interest in making sex part of your relationship?
For many of us, this is such a new idea we can hardly process it.
But for about 1% of the population, sex and romance aren’t a package deal, and one or both may not be of any interest at all! This week, we bring you a fascinating interview about Asexuality, with the author of the new book The Invisible Orientation.
This interview will not only educate you about asexuality but also help you better understand your own desires and longings. The better we understand the full spectrum of human sexuality, the more authentic we can be in our own lives.
For example, here is just one insight from the asexual community:
Asexual vs. Aromantic: Asexuals experience no sexual attraction to others, but may still crave romantic connection and relationships. Aromantic people don’t experience romantic attraction (but may get involved in relationships for other reasons!) Our culture tells us that sex and romance are a package deal, but the asexual community knows otherwise. Yet the most current research reveals that love and bonding are ruled by a different part of your brain than sexual desire. Reflect on your own life: are you sexually and romantically attracted to the same people? Or perhaps you are sexually attracted to one type of person and drawn to be in a relationship with another?
Want even more insights that you can use to understand your own sexuality?
Tune in here, and then let us know what you think!
This interview is with Julie Sondra Decker, author of The Invisible Orientation.